Tuesday, September 9, 2008

TNHF visits SA!!

So our friend Justin Zoradi started an organization called These Numbers Have Faces. Please check out their site. Their mission statement "The mission of These Numbers Have Faces is to move from fatalistic statistics to identifiable persons. We aim to discern a felt need through relationships and create effective partnerships to provide opportunity and hope with networks of caring people." They are currently working with JL Zwane Football Club in Cape Town. A few weeks ago the TNHF crew came to South Africa for a vision trip. Here is a picture of the crew Jered, Kirsten, George, Morgan, Andy, Lisa, Anda, Dominique, Justin, Trish and myself: Lisa and I got to spend a few wonderful days catching up with the old Portland crew and some of the new folks. It was a great group of people and at one point I was begging them all to stay because it just felt good to have some community. We learned more about all that TNHF has been doing and hopes to do in the future. We had a wonderful time with the whole team and just wanted to share a few photos with you.Couldn't help putting this last shot in!! The movie theaters around here come up with some interesting names. The ladies could not get their minds out of the gutter.
It was wonderful spending time with TNHF and we hope to see them out here again soon!!

1 comment:

Josh Stichter said...

Rad guys! I miss hanging out :/