Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Just thought I would put this incredible picture on our blog. We went with the Bridges of Hope Academy kids to the beach and a water park called "Supertubes" last week. For many it was their first time in the ocean and for all of them it was their first time down a water slide. Keep in mind that all of them grew up less than 15 minutes from the beach. You can sit in every one of their houses and smell the salty air...if you can pick it out of all the other gnarly smells of the townships. After teaching most of the kids how to body surf in some of the most Great White populated waters on the planet I figured I would take a few turns down the slides with the kids. What a hoot!!!! If you have not been to a water park recently, go now!!! They are a blast!! This one only had two slides and I still lost my mind on them. So all of you who make what seems to be weekly trips to Las have got to stop at one of the many water parks in the area and go crazy for a couple of hours. Watch out for slides I call Wedgie Express!!


emilykatz said...

seriously, that picture made my day. incredible, chase, incredible.

Megan said...


Lesley Miller said...

I am creeped out that you went swimming in Great White infested waters.